Many people throughout Australia are still working from home due to the increased reports of new cases of COVID-19. But what if you’re not sick and have to look after a family member? Are online carer’s certificates acceptable? What do you need to know?
Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic first hit Australia at the beginning of 2020, face-to-face doctor appointment shave been slowly replaced with online doctor consultations via telemedicine services such as Prime Medic. But what if you aren’t sick and still need to take time off of work to look after a loved one? Will getting a carer's certificate for work online be acceptable?
In 2012, the MBA (Medical Board of Australia) implemented the ‘Guidelines for Technology-based Patient Consultations’. These guidelines state that the ‘Good Medical Practice Code of Conduct’ is just as valid for both face-to-face and online consultations.
More recently since the 30th of March 2020, the MBS (Medicare Benefits Schedule) have increased the telehealth phone consultation and video conference items for Australians due to the increased cases of COVID-19.
So, what exactly does this all mean for you? Basically, the guidelines state that online doctor consultations and medical certificates obtained using telemedicine services are legally valid as long as each consultation meets the acceptable standard of good medical practice.
So, you’ve just received your carer’s certificate for work–but will it be accepted? According to section 97 and 107 of the ‘Fair Work Act 2009’, a person is fully entitled to paid carers and personal leave.However, they must be able to provide satisfactory evidence to prove their claim.
If a person supplies a carer’s certificate received from an online registered medical practitioner, then the medical certificate is considered legally valid. Their employer will then need to consider the duration and nature of the situation that the employee is claiming careers leave for.
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, some Australian businesses are now adjusting their carer’s and personal leave policies. This is to increase the minimum number of days absent from work before an employee is required to present a medical certificate to their employer.
Taking care of a family member while trying to manage your own work commitments can be a struggle, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine providers like Prime Medic eliminate the stressful process of trying to arrange a face-to-face consultation with a doctor during these troubling times.
With a simple, easy and quick process, you can book an online appointment with a GP (General Practitioner) via a video consultation and receive your carer’s certificate on the same day that you need it.
To discover the easiest and most convenient way to get your carer’s certificate for work online, turn to Prime Medic. Sign up and create an account or explore our website to learn all the information you need to get started today!