Whether you have a minor illness that’s causing you to miss work or uni, or need a medical certificate for a few mental health days, or even if a loved one is sick and you need to stay at home to care for them, it can be a hassle having to book and attend a GP appointment. You need all the rest and care you can get when sick, and having to sit and wait in a clinic can not only result in a lot of time spent away from your bed, but also puts the people around you at risk of contracting your illness. Luckily, with Prime Medic, there’s an easier option: getting a doctor’s certificate online.
Give anyone the choice between spending hours going to and from a clinic and waiting to see the doctor for a simple sick leave certificate, and simply logging into a dedicated app for all your health concerns, book a quick appointment and get your medical certificate online within minutes and they’ll choose the second option in a heartbeat!
With Prime Medic, we minimise the wait times and take the burden off an already struggling healthcare system by allowing you to get your medical certificates online using a short, six step process.
Simply follow the following steps to get your doctor’s certificate online:
- Download the Prime Medic app or login to your account through our website - Select the type of certificate you need. You can choose between a Medical Certificate or a Carer’s Certificate. - Fill in a short questionnaire regarding your personal details and a brief medical history, as well as why you need the certificate. This will help your doctor assess your request and whether a medical certificate is appropriate for your needs. - Pay a small fee for the doctor’s consultation. - Consult with a registered doctor online who will be in touch with you on the time you chose for your consultation via your preferred method of communication. - Once the doctor is satisfied with the details you have provided, you will be issued your medical certificate online.All of the steps above combined will only take you around 15-20 minutes as opposed to the hours you’d have to spend getting your medical certificate the traditional way.
When you’re sick with the cold or flu, or can’t seem to stay out of the toilet for longer than 15 minutes, the last thing you want to do is get dressed, get in your car and drive to your nearest clinic. Many illnesses can actually be treated by getting some rest, taking some over the counter medication and staying hydrated, and do not require you to spend time at a doctor’s clinic. It can also be dangerous to drive when you’re not feeling your best and staying at home with a cold or flu may actually be better for everyone around.
On busy days, it can take your doctor up to an hour to see you, even with an appointment. This hour that you spend in their waiting room full of other sick patients coughing and sneezing around you is an hour that you’re exposing yourself to any number of contagious viruses. Moreover, you may also be transferring your own germs to the people around you! By staying home when sick, you’re saving yourself, the patients in the clinic, the clinic staff as well as your doctor from contracting illnesses. An online consultation works best for such situations.
Not having to get out of bed or change out of your pajamas while sick is one of the major reasons why people choose online consultations over physical consultations. And if you’re taking a day off due to something like period pain, it can often seem silly to drive to your clinic to get a medical certificate. Online consultations offer you an alternative to traditional methods of healthcare while keeping you comfortable the entire time.
Moreover, Prime Medic is completely HIPAA compliant, which means we hold your privacy in the same regard as a physical surgery or clinic. All of your medical data and any information you share with us is always kept confidential so you can discuss anything you want to without fear. Additionally, our doctors are all AHPRA registered and are highly qualified in their respective fields. When you choose Prime Medic, you choose quality healthcare right at your doorstep at the touch of a button.
Whether you need a carer’s certificate or a medical certificate online, there’s no question about it. Prime Medic is the answer!