The last few years have seen unprecedented changes to general work and healthcare environments. The pandemic challenged lots of procedures and has altered the way we think about how and where we work and also how we related to our own health and the health of others. With government directives to stay at home when unwell or with Covid-19, there has been an increased requirements for staff to provide a doctor certificate or medical certificate to their employers.
The traditional model would be to book an appointment at your doctor’s physical surgery, wait in a crowded waiting room and then be seen by a doctor in their rooms. During the last few years the pandemic has challenged this design, to minimise the transfer of the virus and protect the healthcare system the general public was advised to stay at home and isolate. This made it difficult to see a doctor when you need to obtain a doctor certificate or medical certificate.
There is, however, another way of obtaining these certificates and this article will examine them in greater detail. Prime Medic enables you to get a certificate easily and quickly at a time that suits you. If you have never used our services and are curious to learn more, read on to understand how we can help you.
There’s no doubt that the distinction between work and home lives are more blurred than ever. A huge number of people were forced to work from home through the multiple lockdowns of the past few years. Now lockdowns appear to be a thing of the past, it has left a lasting impact with many employers and their teams who find that a balance of time working from home and the office each week saves time, money and does not impact productivity. Many argue that as workers can save on commuting hours and costs and increase time spent with family members that this has increased levels of happiness and productivity has increased as a result.
As many industries explored the online world for alternative ways to reach their customers via technology, healthcare was not exempt from this new wave. Protecting our wellness has become of paramount importance to many people now. Taking time off to sit in a crowded doctor’s waiting room is not a situation many wish to expose themselves to if at all avoidable. It is possible to access some medical processes online and protect both those who have to visit a doctor in person and also those who would prefer not to. Reducing the volume of people sitting in waiting rooms helps protect the vulnerable and the healthy alike.
At Prime Medic we offer telehealth services to help people connect with GP’s when they need prescriptions, certificates and a range of other services. If you have never used an online doctor service before, let’s look at the most common questions that are asked.
Firstly, a straightforward sign up service on our website or mobile app is required. This will only be required once, on your initial request to join our service. Once you have completed a few simple questions to capture your name, address, birth date, medical history and any current medical conditions you will be asked to book a consultation with one of our doctors. You choose the time and appointments are available seven days a week. The doctor will contact you via a video call and after a consultation to assess your condition they will issue your certificate, if all is satisfactory. A fee of A$19.99 is payable to cover the appointment and you can then download your certificate.
If you have never had an online consultation with a GP before it can seem like a strange way to go about it, but once you have experienced how quick, easy and convenient the service is, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner! All our doctors are registered and fully certified. Our promise is the highest standard of healthcare to anyone that is within Australian borders at the time of the tele-consult. It does not matter if you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, we are happy to serve everyone in the community as long as they in the country at the time of the video call. This means that holidaymakers and those here on work contracts are equally able to access our services.
Focus on getting well and stay at home whilst organising your doctor certificate or medical certificate. There is no need to waste time sitting in waiting rooms or driving to an appointment when you really don’t feel able to leave the house. Avoid the crowds by booking an online consultation with a GP at Prime Medic via our website or download the app.