The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on all of us. And with various states going into lockdown at very short notice, the constant turmoil around our work, attendances at school and being stuck at home, it has taken a toll on all of our mental health. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in the four weeks to 25 April 2021, Lifeline received 18.4% more calls from the 4 weeks to 28 April 2019 (before the pandemic), Kids Helpline received 10.5% more answerable contact attempts, while Beyond Blue received a whopping 30.7% more calls from the four weeks to 28th April!
These stats clearly show that taking care of our mental health in the wake of social distancing measures, physical isolation, lockdowns and sudden loss of employment and working and learning from home is crucial. Today, more and more workplaces are recognising the importance of their employees’ mental health. But even in 2021, not many companies allow their employees to take mental health days off. Due to this, most employees fake being physically sick, or use time from their personal leave when they need to take a mental health day off.
If you’re one of the employees whose workplaces do not have any defined policies around mental health leave, and you need to show a doctor’s certificate to use your sick leave, Prime Medic is here to help you.
Most workplaces require their employees to present a doctor’s certificate if they’re taking more than two days off. This is because people can take a day or two off for a number of different reasons, like a simple head cold, migraine, or even menstrual cramps. None of these conditions warrant a visit to a doctor, and workplaces recognise this. Additionally, if they were to start requesting every employee to present a certificate every time they take a day off, they’ll have dozens and dozens of certificates to validate every year! Most employers have far more important things to do.
That being said, an employer is legally allowed to request evidence even for a half-day leave. Ultimately, it depends upon your workplace’s policies around taking sick leave as well as your relationship with your supervisor.
In most cases, yes. Stress and overwork are very valid reasons for needing to take a day—or more—off. Prolonged periods of stress can lead to severe physical health problems, such as high blood pressure, migraines, insomnia, weakened immune system and may even cause fertility problems. As such, most doctors will be more than willing to write you a doctor’s certificate so you can take your sick leave for some much needed rest.
Not if you don’t want to. The sick leave certificate issued by your doctor also does not need to include any details of why you’re requesting time off work without your explicit permission. All it needs to say is the name and address of the practitioner issuing the certificate, your name, the date the GP examined you, dates you will be absent from work, a claim that you truly are unable to work on the mentioned dates and the signature of the issuing doctor, and should be addressed to your employer. Due to the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, your GP cannot disclose details about your condition to an employer without your permission.
However, if you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition that affects your ability to work to the expected standard, or puts you or other individuals in danger, it is best to inform your employer. Knowing your conditions would enable them to make reasonable adjustments to your work, whether by decreasing your workload, hiring more people to manage an increasing work load, or making flexible working arrangements. Most importantly, your employer can land in very hot water if they were to discriminate against you on the basis of your mental health, as the Fair Work Act 2009 clearly states that it is illegal.
Ultimately, whether you decide to take a day off for your mental health and whether you decide to tell your employer exactly why you’re taking the day off depends squarely upon your company’s leave policies, your relationship with your employer or manager and your track record. But if you do decide to take a few days off, Prime Medic can help you get a doctor’s certificate for sick leave.
With Prime Medic, you get access to a licenced, registered GP right from the comfort of your own home. Simply create an account with us, select the kind of certificate you need, fill a short questionnaire about your medical history and conditions, and choose a time and date of your choice for your consultation. Once you’ve paid the fee, an online GP will be in touch with you for a video consultation on the time and date you chose, and will confirm some details before issuing the doctor’s certificate for your sick leave. All done!