More than one year into the pandemic, we have had to change everything we knew about the world. Whether it be working from home, online shopping, or homeschooling, our homes have become our offices, shopping centres and schools. With almost the entire world confined to the four walls of the house, it is now more important than ever to have everything available online. And doctors are no exception. Here’s why more and more people are now searching for online doctors in Australia, with this trend likely to continue in the near future.
For single parents or households where both parents are working, a sick child can be a huge cause of stress. To take the child to the doctor, the parent is forced to take hours off from work, often resulting in some degree of loss of income. With the facility of having an online appointment with a doctor, you never have to miss a day of work as you can simply book an appointment that coincides with your lunch break or on your commute to or from work, and all parties are happy!
Imagine coming home from your nine to five job (plus the hours it takes to and from your office) to pick up your sick child from home, driving over or taking public transport to your nearest clinic and spending hours in the waiting room, just to see a doctor. Now imagine how much of that time would be saved simply by booking an online appointment and having a doctor assess your child’s symptoms all from the comfort of your own home. Imagine all that time you can now spend on taking care of your sick child!
The waiting rooms of clinics are full of sick patients. And especially in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, huddling so many sick people in one small room—even with social distancing measures in place—can be a recipe for disaster. Save yourself and your family from ever having to come in contact with a patient by booking an online consultation today.
With the healthcare industry swiftly moving online, you now have access to highly qualified doctors from all over Australia, not just in the suburb or city you live in. This is especially useful for people who live in rural areas with few qualified doctors, if any. These people often have shorter life expectancies, higher rates of fatality due to treatable diseases and generally poorer health. If the pandemic has done any good, it has shown both patients and doctors that having access to quality healthcare for even the remotest of communities is no longer an impossibility.
The pandemic saw a boom in the number of people opting to see online doctors in Australia. It is highly likely that people will continue booking online consultations for non life-threatening reasons, even post-pandemic, because of the convenience and utility. So whether you came down with the flu over the weekend and need a day off from work on Monday to recuperate, or if you need a referral from a GP, get in touch with us at Prime Medic today for your first online appointment.