A woman's monthly menstrual period sometimes comes at an inconvenient time. It could be an anniversary, a holiday or a special event.
It is possible to delay a period for a few weeks when the timing is more convenient.
Several hormonal contraceptives can be used to delay your monthly period. These methods are safe and effective, making it an ideal means of suppressing your period for a couple of weeks.
Skipping your period is considered safe. Pregnant women do not menstruate for nine months and even longer after giving birth especially if they breastfeed. Oral progesterone to delay a period usually is only advised for up to a few weeks. Prolonged use of progesterone may develop certain side effects.
Delaying your period does not affect your future fertility. Usually, the body's ability to bear a child returns the moment the medication is discontinued. Some progesterone injections have a more prolonged effect and therefore may take a few months for its effect to wear off. In cases like these, a woman's fertility may be delayed for a few months.