The prostate is a gland that sits directly beneath the bladder. At ejaculation, the prostate secretes fluid into the urethra that protects and nourishes the sperm. Unfortunately, the prostate grows in almost all men over 50, and since the urethra runs right through the middle of the prostate gland, this growth tends to restrict urine flow. Enlargement of the prostate not associated with cancer or infection is called “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia”. The prostate releases a protein called “prostate-specific antigen” or PSA, which is sometimes monitored as an indicator of prostate cancer. However, benign growth of the prostate also elevates PSA levels, so high PSA is not necessarily proof of cancer. PSA is simply one of a number of indicators that may lead to a recommendation for a biopsy.
Signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate may include:
All these symptoms are related to the prostate narrowing the urethra as is passes from the bladder, through the enlarged prostate, on its way out. Since cancer also enlarges the prostate, they symptoms of prostate cancer can be identical.
Make an appointment to see your doctor if:
For convenient and reliable healthcare, turn to Prime Medic's online medical consultation services. If you're experiencing a change in frequency or quality of urination, it's crucial to make an appointment with your doctor. Prime Medic's experienced team of doctors is well-equipped to address prostate-related concerns.