At some point, you may need to go back to a specialist you've seen in the past. You may need to see a dermatologist for a skin condition, and it has returned. Our repeat specialist referral can help you with that. The letter will state the reason you need to return to the specialist, and other new information regarding your health that may have emerged since the last time you saw that specialist.
In the past, you would have to make an appointment with your doctor and have them refer you to the specialist again - even if you had already been referred by that doctor previously. This is no longer the case!
When seeing a specialist, it is best to keep your general practitioner in the loop. They must work together for you to receive the medical care you truly deserve. We will share your general practitioner's contact information with your specialist so they can communicate the best course of treatment for your ailment.
To start using our change of specialist option, click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions. You will receive your change of specialist referral letter after paying the one-time small fee. The letter is valid for Medicare rebates if you are eligible for the rebate.