Feeling under the weather and wondering if you need a medical certificate to take a day off work? While the policies for most workplaces differ from each other, on average, most workplaces require you to submit a medical certificate for leave if you’re going to be away for more than two consecutive days. Any less than that and you typically do not have to submit a certificate unless asked.
So what happens if you do wake up on the third day of your illness and find that you’re still not well enough to make it to work? For many people, the hassle of having to wait in queues to see their doctor just to get a certificate is too much to bother with while they’re sick, and they make their way to their workplace anyway. This results in a phenomenon called “presenteeism”, where an employee is present at their job but is unable to be productive or get any work done due to their illness. It also raises the risk of the employee passing on the illness to other employees. It’s always best for unwell employees to stay away from the office until they are cleared to be back at work by their doctor.
Luckily, for many common contagious diseases, you can now get a medical certificate online with Prime Medic. Here are the most common conditions people choose Prime Medic’s online medical certificate for leave service for:
Perhaps the most contagious on this list, both colds and the flu present themselves with the same symptoms, although those associated with the flu may come on more suddenly and be more severe. You can expect to experience a sore throat, headache and chills, sometimes with nasal congestion and a fever. Most of the time, a common cold will get better by itself in a few days, but the time before the worst symptoms set in is when you’re most contagious. So if you’ve woken up feeling slightly chilly and can feel the telltale signs of a cold, it’s best to stay at home to prevent infecting other people.
An online doctor can easily diagnose a cold just by analysing your symptoms and issuing you the medical certificate you require to stay home.
While food poisoning is not contagious, viral gastroenteritis, often also known as a stomach flu, is. Both of these may present themselves with the same or similar symptoms, which may include an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes, a fever. You will usually recover with just some rest and by keeping yourself well hydrated and perhaps with some fever medication if you have one, but you may have to take some time off work as both diseases can leave you feeling weak and dehydrated. Luckily, it is quite easy to diagnose them by just reviewing the symptoms and an online doctor can easily give you your medical certificate after a video consultation.
Many women shy away from taking time off work when dealing with menstrual cramps, even if they are severe enough to affect their productivity at the office. For many women, period pain can be bad enough to cause vomiting, severe cramps and weakness, and can make it difficult for them to even get out of bed without a painkiller. Your doctor will be easily able to write you a medical certificate which does not mention the reason why you’re taking time off if you don’t want it to. All it needs to include is the date it was issued, when you’re expected to be back at work, your name and the issuing doctor’s name, registration number and signature.
Many employees take time off work due to migraines as they can be extremely debilitating and loud sounds and screens may make them worse. Migraines are very different from the odd headache, and it is important to have been diagnosed with migraines before you see an online doctor for a medical certificate for this reason.
Studies show that almost 16% of the Australian population have some degree of back problems, and between 70-90% will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain can make it difficult to sit in one place for hours on end, which is why it is the leading cause of work loss days per year. Your doctor may issue you a medical certificate online for back pain, although if it frequently recurs, you may want to book a physical examination.
Other than these five, there are several other times when you may be too sick to go to work, such as when suffering from a UTI or STD, or anxiety or depression. If the reason for your absence is not life-threatening and can easily be diagnosed by just looking at your medical history and symptoms, getting an online medical certificate for leave with Prime Medic may be the best option.