A common complaint people come to our doctors with over the spring season is allergies. Spring in Australia is notoriously famous for the dreaded hay fever, which can be uncomfortable, to say the least. After all, if you’re constantly sneezing, blowing your nose and wiping your burning eyes every time you step out of the house, you’re highly likely to avoid going out for as long as the season lasts. But hay fever is only one of the common allergies prevalent during the spring.
Spring allergies are typically caused by an increase in pollen in the air, which is released by grasses, weeds, trees and flowers, as well as the growth of mould and mildew and dust mites. Many people are allergic to this pollen, sending the body’s immune system into overdrive. When the pollen enters the body, the immune system releases antibodies to fight the foreign particles. This can result in a runny and itchy nose, watery eyes, rashes on the skin, coughing, and sneezing and trigger existing conditions like eczema and asthma.
If you’re suffering from ongoing seasonal allergies and need to speak to a doctor about it, Prime Medic has some of the best online doctors in Australia ready to help.
Here’s a list of the most common forms of allergies found in spring:
The uncontested leader of seasonal allergies, hay fever is the common name of a condition also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis. Stats show that allergic rhinitis affects around 19.3% of the population of Australia, or 1 in around every 5 people. People suffering from hay fever may experience a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, ear congestion and sneezing fits when they come in contact with the allergen, usually grass pollen. If the individual also suffers from asthma, seasonal allergens are likely to trigger asthma attacks.
The same allergens which cause hay fever may also trigger skin allergies, hives and rashes. Itchiness is a common symptom of hay fever, but most often, skin allergies in the spring are caused in people who already suffer from atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. Around 1.6 million Australians suffer from atopic dermatitis, with the disease usually affecting children. As children spend more time outdoors when the weather starts getting warmer, they are more at risk of coming home with dry, itchy skin, which gets worse the more they scratch it. Eczema in kids can also get triggered by dust mites, mould and mildew and pets shedding hair, all of which increase during spring.
It is not just airborne pollen that can cause rashes and blisters on the skin. Spring brings new life in the form of newer plants, flowers and weeds in your garden. If you’ve spent the day gardening and weeding your front lawn, then woken up the next day with blisters all over your hands, you may have accidentally touched a plant that can cause contact dermatitis. Some of these plants include poison ivy, oak and sumac. Fortunately, contact dermatitis is not contagious and doesn’t spread, and can usually be healed with the help of topical corticosteroids and soothing lotions and creams.
Along with an increase in airborne pollen, insect activity increases during the spring, especially mosquitos, bed bugs and bees. This can result in insect bites and stings, which can cause pain, itching, swelling or redness around the affected site. In certain cases, these bites and stings can cause a potentially threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. If you’re suddenly having trouble breathing, or have developed hives or swelling of the lips, throat or tongue, seek immediate medical attention.
Fortunately, it can be easy to manage spring allergies by taking the right steps. Here are some of them:
If the above steps don’t help and your seasonal allergies are affecting your quality of life, it may be worth booking an appointment with one of Prime Medic’s online doctors in Australia. Your online doctor may suggest getting a skin prick test to determine your allergen. Once you know exactly what you are allergic to, you can start taking the necessary steps to avoid the trigger or desensitise your body to the allergen. Although several over-the-counter allergy medications are available in Australia, you may need a prescription for others, in which case Prime Medic’s online doctors can help you get a prescription online. Get started on getting relief from your allergy symptoms today.