While GPs or general practitioners in Australia have the necessary training and expertise to diagnose and treat a number of conditions, some conditions may warrant a visit to a specialist. In such cases, your GP may write you a specialist referral for a deeper, more targeted look into your symptoms and condition. However, did you know that you may ask your GP to write a general referral so you can take it to the specialist of your choice?
Whether you or your family member have been referred to a specialist, or know you will be referred to one on your next GP visit, it can be a stressful time for all. Knowing your rights as a patient can help you or your family member to get the care you desire. Read on to find out more about specialist referral.
While your GP may have a list of specialists they typically refer their clients to, a patient has every right to refuse referral to that specialist. You could have any reason for this. The specialist you have been referred to could have long waiting times, or could be too far from your place of residence. The specialist may even be too expensive, or you may have gotten a personal recommendation from a friend or a family member for another specialist. Whatever the reason, you absolutely have the right to choose the specialist you go to.
According to the Department of Human Services, a specialist referral letter only needs to contain three things:
- The date of the referral, - Information relevant to the patient’s condition which may help the specialist with thier investigation, opinion, treatment and management, and - The GP’s signature.It is not necessary for the specialist’s name to be written on the letter, and most GPs are obliged to ask you if you have a preference for the specialist you see. If the GP does not ask, you may ask them to make it out to the specialist of your choice, or may even ask for a ‘open referral’. An open referral allows you to take your letter to the nearest available specialist, or the specialist who is able to provide immediate service. However, it is important to choose a specialist who has the necessary expertise in that particular speciality field.
If you have already received a specialist referral letter with the name of a particular specialist on it, you are still able to take it to any specialist of your choice within 12 months of the referral. However, if you have already used that referral to see the named specialist and had an initial consultation with them, the referral cannot be used to see another specialist now.
If you have a named specialist referral but wish to see another doctor, get in touch with their surgery and explain the situation. More times than not, they will agree to accommodate you even without an open referral. Additionally, you may choose to inform your GP that you saw a different specialist than the one recommended, but you are not obliged to.
Certainly! Since the GPs in our system are all registered, licenced GPs in their own right, any prescription, referral or treatment recommended by them is just as valid as one you get when you visit one in person. The only difference between getting a physical referral and an online referral through Prime Medic is the amount of time and money you save by not having to travel to and wait in your GP’s clinic.
Similar to a physical consultation with a GP, during an online consultation with a doctor on Prime Medic’s online portal, you can request the doctor to write you an open referral. Through Prime Medic’s online portal, you can get the specialist referral of your choice through just a few, quick steps:
- Get the Prime Medic app - Select referral - Select medical condition - Fill questionnaire - Select specialist - Pay fee - Get your referral mailed to youPrime Medic also gives you the option to get a change specialist referral as well as a repeat specialist referral. Most importantly, getting a specialist referral from our online doctors enables you to get your Medicare rebate. Since Medicare does not cover any specialist consultations that have not been recommended by a registered GP, having a valid referral is necessary. Save yourself from exposing yourself to disease by sitting in a waiting room for a specialist referral you already know you need!
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